Vikki Hastings Artist

Art is escapist, and escapism is inescapable

Month: November, 2015

The Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock

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My painting of the Palace Theatre had to take a back seat for a bit whilst I caught up with some commission deadlines, but it’s finally finished and all set for its new home

The Bridge at Crosshouse


My Dad sent me a photograph of the flooding at the Bridge in Crosshouse this morning, and I really liked it, particularly the ferocity of the water and the headlights of the cars, and I wondered what it would look like as a painting, so I made one.

I changed it to a night scene, exaggerated the colour, and injected some warmth, but that’s the thing with art, you can do whatever you want and never get a wrong answer.

So, there you go, some beauty in the miserable weather!



I went to the Kilmarnock train station to watch the fireworks, and I made this wee painting of it today.

Another one for the Kilmarnock exhibition at The Wellington Gallery!

Harley Quinn

I used to paint other things……….but I can’t remember why.

Heroes and Villains

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I love working on superheroes/villains. They have to be my favourite subject, they never let me down. Not once have I had to put vodka in my cheerios on a morning when I’m working on these fellas.