Vikki Hastings Artist

Art is escapist, and escapism is inescapable

Month: March, 2017

High Street, Kilmarnock.

Recently finished a brand new painting of High Street.

I love painting Kilmarnock!

Irvine beach at Sunset


A little 30x40cm painting of some folk at Irvine Beach photographing the sunset.

Irvine Beach


Another little painting from Irvine Beach.
Bright, blinding light, sparkling water, and some dudes walking their dugs.

River Irvine


A little 30x40cm painting of the River Irvine.
I walk my dog along this trail a lot, and I adore the light on the river, especially in the photo I took that inspired this painting.

Lots of titanium white paint straight from the tube shovelled on to the canvas to get some right gid sparkles.



I took a photo through the car window a few weeks ago as my partner and I were driving through Monkton. I took the picture because I loved the blinding white colour of the sea in the distance, and I thought it would look great as a painting.

I don’t think I’ve ever painted anything with such limited colour and subject, but I really enjoyed working on this little canvas, and the bright white of the sea is great, but it was the subtle ultramarine blue shades on the cottage that really made my day with this one.



I’m so in love with this painting.
It was an absolute joy to work on.

Dean Castle

Another finished painting of the Dean Castle, Kilmarnock.



I got these tiny canvasses a long time ago, and I took my time to use them because I didn’t think they would be big enough to really make a seascape pop.

Turns out size doesn’t matter.

Moonrise on West Netherton St


Managed to find a few minutes to put the finishing touches on my West Netherton Street painting.

I love working on little Kilmarnock scenes, even though they aren’t technically ‘pretty’, I think they look gorgeous on canvas.

There’s genuinely beauty everywhere.

‘Moonrise on W. Netherton St.’
Acrylic on canvas.

Coo with Oomph!


A big bad handsome Highland Cow.

….with extra oomph.